Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Speed Session + Lactic Acid (C3H6O3) = Empty Legs!

Yesterday's tack session was a good laugh. The team consisted of me, nephew age 19 and nephew age 11. The wife was doing a yoga session in our house with my mother in law, so a hard track session didn't seem like that much of a chore!

The session

1 mile - (with little nephew) - 9.46
1 mile - 6.51
800 m - (with little nephew) - 5.07
800 m - 3.17
400 m - (with little nephew) - 2.44
400 m - 1.27
200 m - (with little nephew) - 1.12
200 m - 37s

So with this being my fist speed session, there were a few interesting findings. With my weight at 4 stone 8pounds, and me 5ft 8, here are the results ;)...

1. My lactate turnpoint is probably around 7.30min/mile
2. My maximum sprint is 4.10min/mile over 200m
3. My physical maximum HR is 192 bpm
4. My "full out" sprint lasts for 20-23 seconds before ATP+Creatine stores are wiped out!

All rather uninteresting I suppose!

But on the plus point, this morning's gym session felt ok, though I will be doing an easy 5K tonight! As tomorrow is a Gym + Hill Sessions day!

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